Monday, June 1, 2015

Blog 1 – Senior Final Lesson/Interview Reflection

1.  What three lessons were most helpful for you to see, and why?

Fitness, Therapy, and Early Childhood Development were the most helpful for me to see. These were the most helpful because I was sort of stuck in between doing fitness training or adolescent psychology for my senior project, and these topics helped me see and make the choice of my topic.

2. List one thing that you learned about the senior project in interviews that will help you get off to a good start?
One thing I learned about senior project in interviews that will help me get off to a good start is to be on top of things and on schedule with my mentor. I chose this as the one thing I learned because I am not an upfront person. I have always been towards the more shy side, and I am always afraid to tell people what to do and how to do things, so I think this is great advice to get me started.
3. What topic(s) are you considering, and why?
I was stuck between fitness training and adolescent psychology for a while. I wanted to go with my desired future career as a topic. I had decided to work on fitness training, but then as I started to think about it I realized there wasn't much information I would be able to get out of there and that maybe it wasn't something I really wanted to do. On the other hand, I'd always wanted to be an adolescent psychologist, so I thought working on this as my topic would help me get a better understanding of what it is to be a psychologist.
4. What EQ do you think might be interesting to consider in guiding a project like this? (Please don't worry about any sort of formula...we want this question to come from your genuine interest).
I think and interesting EQ for this topic would have something to do with understanding an adolescent/child that needs help, such as "In what ways can an adolescent psychologist make sure she can best make sure her patient gets the help needed?"
5. What are some ideas you have about finding summer mentorship?
I have already tried finding a mentor by searching many different psychologists online and contacting them through email/phone.

1 comment:

  1. Ariadne,

    I enjoyed reading your blog. Hopefully you had some luck finding someone to mentor with. If not, try asking if they are available for an interview and see where it leads you.

    Mr. Holt - Physics
